Dr. Jordi Duran
Researcher studying the brain. I am a Principal Investigator and Associate Professor at Institut Químic de Sarrià (IQS) - Ramon Llull University, as well as Associate Researcher at IBEC Barcelona. My research group is devoted to the study of brain metabolism, particularly its roles in brain function and its pathological implications in neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, I serve as a scientific advisor for the charity foundation Fundació La Marató de TV3 and the Catalan Federation of Rare Diseases (FECAMM).
Mar 7, 2025. Barcelona
We have presented our efforts to develop a cure for Lafora disease at the Nano Rare Diseases Day organized by Nanomed Spain
at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital
Feb 21, 2025. Barcelona
He tingut l'honor de compareixer al Parlament de Catalunya per parlar de la #recerca i les #malaltiesminoritàries.
I had the honor of appearing before the Parliament of Catalonia to speak about #research and #rarediseases
(min 0:32:30 & min 2:05:00)
Feb 21, 2025. Bern
We have presented our research at the BeNeFri Neuroscience Workshop in Bern, Switzerland🇨🇭
Jan 7, 2025. New article
We start the year with a new article! We reveal that glycogenin is not required for the formation of glycogen α particles or normal liver-glycogen metabolism, challenging previous beliefs.
Dec 5, 2024. Mes Cajal
He participat a la conferència "El llegat de Cajal", una activitat del "Mes Cajal" per donar a conèixer el pare de la neurociència moderna, el Dr. Santiago Ramón y Cajal
I participated in the conference 'The Legacy of Cajal,' an activity of the 'Cajal Month' to celebrate the father of modern neuroscience, Dr. Santiago Ramón y Cajal.
Nov 29, 2024. Project Granted
We have been granted a project "ajuts d’Indústria del Coneixement (IdC)" from AGAUR. We wil try to develop a targeted therapy for the management of neurological glycogen storage diseases
Oct 16, 2024. Chelsea's Hope
I am incredibly honored and proud to have been nominated as a member of the advisory board of Chelsea's Hope Lafora Children Research Fund. I am committed to dedicating my efforts to help our association grow and work tirelessly towards finding a cure for Lafora disease.
Sep 24, 2024. San Diego, USA
We have been invited to present our work on developing nanomedicine-based treatments for Lafora disease at the Lafora Disease Science Symposium
Sep 18, 2024. Ljubljana, Slovenia
We’re in Ljubljana for the International Conference on Brain Energy Metabolism. Núria Moral has won the Best Student Poster Award presenting her work in the lab.
Sep 9, 2024. Salvador, Brasil
We have been invited to present our research at the X Biennial Meeting of the Neurotoxicity Society
Jul 30, 2024. New article
We discuss on the Therapeutic Window for the Treatment of Lafora Disease, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis for the successful treatment of the condition
Jun 3, 2024. 20 years of FECAMM
Congratulations to FECAMM Foundation on their 20th anniversary. It was a pleasure to be a part of the celebration discussing research on #RareDiseases.
Apr 9, 2024. Facultat de Medicina, UB
We have presented our results at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona and the Institute of Neurosciences
Feb 29, 2024. IRB Barcelona
On Rare Disease Day, at IRB Barcelona, we have discussed the importance of biomedical research to find treatments for rare diseases.
Feb 19, 2024. Hacettepe University
We have presented our research at the Institute of Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry of the Hacettepe University.
Feb 11, 2024. Interview in COPE radio
He participado en el programa ‘Lo que viene’ para explicar nuestra investigación sobre la enfermedad de Lafora y la importancia de investigar sobre enfermedades raras
(min. 14:40)
Jan 30, 2024. Opinion article in ASEBIO
#VozBiotech | La importancia de la investigación biomédica y biotecnológica para lograr avances frente a enfermedades que están olvidadas.
English version: The importance of biomedical and biotechnological research to find treatments for neglected diseases
Jan 4, 2024. New article
First article of the year in Journal of Neurochemistry. Brain energy metabolism: A roadmap for future research. It is an honor to be listed among all these legends of brain energy metabolism.
Oct 17, 2023. Setmana de la Ciència
We have participated in "Setmana de la Ciència" to disseminate scientific research among the general public.
Oct 14, 2023. Lund University
Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine Research School, Lund University
Oct 3, 2023. Epilepsy Sparks
Hear of the ultra-rare, devastating, terminal epilepsy Lafora Disease and the exciting research taking place to try and improve and save the lives of the children affected.
Sep 21, 2023. Barcelona
Una teràpia gènica per a la malaltia de Lafora, via IQS Barcelona
Jul 14, 2023. VibeCast
Podcast on the challenges funding rare disease research, Lafora disease and Fighting the Rare VibeCast Ep 19
Jul 04, 2023 - New article
Glycogen accumulation modulates life span in a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - We show that excess #glycogen in #astrocytes plays a toxic role not only in #laforadisease but also in another neurodegenerative condition like #ALS
Jun 26, 2023. Barcelona
Fighting the Rare presentation at IQS Barcelona
Jun 21, 2023. CheckRare
Interview by 'CheckRare'. Dr. Jordi Duran and Niki Markou, discuss the documentary Fighting the Rare and the symptoms and pathophysiology of Lafora disease.
Apr 15, 2023 - Project Granted
We have received a Project Grant award from Fundación Ramón Areces. We will try to speed up the search for an effective cure for #laforadisease
Feb 24, 2023 - New article
Role of Astrocytes in the Pathophysiology of Lafora Disease and Other Glycogen Storage Disorders - A review on how the accumulation of #glycogen in astrocytes contributes to #laforadisease and other neurodegenerative conditions.
Feb 17, 2023 - La Marató
En 31 anys de solidaritat, La Marató de TV3 i Catalunya Ràdio ha finançat prop de 1.000 projectes de recerca que han aportat millores en la qualitat i l'esperança de vida de tots nosaltres.
Jan 30, 2023 - New article
Active Glycogen Synthase in the Liver Prevents High-Fat Diet-Induced Glucose Intolerance, Decreases Food Intake, and Lowers Body Weight.
Jan 27, 2023 - Fighting the Rare
Shooting Fighting the Rare at IRB Barcelona
Jan 18, 2023 - Fighting the Rare
Shooting Fighting the Rare at IQS Barcelona
Dec 5, 2022 - Fighting the Rare
Shooting Fighting the Rare at CCCB Barcelona
Sep 28, 2022 - Fighting the Rare
Shooting Fighting the Rare at Lafora disease Symposium (San Diego, USA)
Sep 09, 2022 - New article
Hepatic overexpression of protein targeting to glycogen attenuates obesity and improves hyperglycemia in db/db mice
Jun 03, 2022 - New article
Malin restoration as proof of concept for gene therapy for Lafora disease - we identify malin restoration as the first therapeutic strategy to show effectiveness when applied at advanced stages of Lafora disease
Feb 17, 2022 - IQS interview
Brain Glycogen and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Jan 1, 2022 - New article
Lack of p62 Impairs Glycogen Aggregation and Exacerbates Pathology in a Mouse Model of Myoclonic Epilepsy of Lafora - we demonstrate that p62 participates in the formation of glycogen aggregates to reduce the deleterious consequences of its accumulation in the brain.
Apr 20, 2021 - New article
Scientists at IRB Barcelona discover the cause of neurodegeneration in Lafora disease
Astrocytic glycogen accumulation drives the pathophysiology of neurodegeneration in Lafora disease - we demonstrate the contribution of astrocytes to the pathology of Lafora disease.